Incubator-Lab TUD-P2O

Goal of the Incubator-Labs is deriving and defining of AI-based business models for prolonging the AI-Incubator-Labs beyond public funding. Preliminary specific answers will be given on typical questions of the business model development such as customer segments, key partners, key activities, and key resources. Transparency requirements for the eco-system and conflicts of interest and goals will be identified.

The Process-to-Order-Lab (P2O-Lab) at TU Dresden raises the question which requirements innovative approaches of the industry 4.0 have to be met in order to transform actual challenges of the process industry into added value. In order to guarantee a continuous improvement process, concepts in the area of modular plants, integrated engineering, life cycle accompanying Digital Companion Technologies, Added -Value-Services, and Big data and Smart Analytics are developed, implemented, and validated, as well as represented in show-cases.

Contact: Prof. Leon Urbas, TU Dresden


P2O-Lab of the TU Dresden