

KEEN at NAMUR e.V. Hauptsitzung

At the NAMUR Hauptsitzung, which took place on 23-24 November 2023 in Neuss, Kai Dadhe (Evonik) and Sebastian Engell (TU Dortmund DYN) gave a talk on the results of the KEEN project, which recently ended in September 2023.



Mannheimer Data Meetup: Fostering trust in Industrial AI

The Mannheimer Data Meetup, organized jointly by ABB Corporate Researcher center and Exxeta DataLab, was an engaging event held at the Exxeta office in Mannheim on June 14th, 2023.



Final conference at DECHEMA

Which added value can artificial intelligence methods create for the process industry? After three years, the KEEN partners presented their results at a public final conference on May 22 and 23, 2023 at DECHEMA. Fourteen talks presented examples of successful applications of AI in collaboration between industry and research partners.


22.05. - 23.05.2023

Final conference at DECHEMA, Frankfurt a. M.

In addition to the KEEN consortium, all interested experts from industry and science are cordially invited to attend.


[2023] [2022] [2021] [2020]