
Bamberg, A., Urbas, L., Bröcker, S., Kockmann, N., & Bortz, M. (2020). Was den Digitalen Zwilling zum genialen Kompagnon macht. Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 92(3), 192–198.

Heese, R., & Bortz, M. (2021, January 10–15). Adaptive Sampling of Pareto Frontiers with Binary Constraints Using Regression and Classification. In 2020 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR) (pp. 3404–3411). IEEE.

Heese, R., Nies, J., & Bortz, M. (2020). Some Aspects of Combining Data and Models in Process Engineering. Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 92(7), 856–866.

Khaydarov, V., Heinze, S., Graube, M., Knupfer, A., Knespel, M., Merkelbach, S., & Urbas, L. (2020, September 8–11). From stirring to mixing: artificial intelligence in the process industry. In 2020 25th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA) (pp. 967–974). IEEE.



B. Beisheim, K. Rahimi-Adli, S. Krämer, S. Engell, Energy performance analysis of continuous processes using surrogate models. Energy 183, 776-787, 2019.  

R. Heese, M. Walczak, T. Seidel, N. Asprion, M. Bortz, Optimized data exploration applied to the simulation of a chemical process,Comp Chem Eng. 124, 326-342, 2019  

N. Asprion, R. Böttcher, R. Pack, M.-E. Stavrou, J. Höller, J. Schwientek, M. Bortz; Gray-Box Modeling for the Optimization of Chemical Processes; Chem. Ing. Tech. 2018  

F. Stenger, L. Urbas, L. Woppawa: 100% Digital in der Prozessindustrie: Smart Equipment wird ein essentieller Building Block in einer digitalisierten Prozesslandschaft. CITPlus 10/2018.

L. Schegner, L. Urbas, M. Krauss, J. Birk: Autonomie und Assistenz in der Prozessindustrie. Tagungsband Automation 2018, pp.

N. Kockmann, L. Bittorf, W. Krieger, F. Reichmann, M. Schmalenberg, S. Soboll, Smart Equipment – A Perspective Paper, Chem. Ing. Technik, 90 (11), 1806-1822, 2018

N. Kockmann, P. Thenée, C. Fleischer, G. Laudadio, T. Noel, Safety Assessment in Development and Operation of Modular Continuous-Flow Processes, Reaction Chemistry & Engineering, 2, 258-280, 2017

M. Bortz, J. Burger, N. Asprion, S. Blagov, R. Böttcher, U. Nowak, A. Scheithauer, R. Welke, K.-H. Küfer, H. Hasse; Multi-criteria optimization in chemical process design and decision support by navigation on Pareto sets; Comp. Chem. Eng. 60 (2014) 354

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