Bamberg, A., Urbas, L., Bröcker, S., Kockmann, N., & Bortz, M. (2020). Was den Digitalen Zwilling zum genialen Kompagnon macht. Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 92(3), 192–198.
Heese, R., & Bortz, M. (2021, January 10–15). Adaptive Sampling of Pareto Frontiers with Binary Constraints Using Regression and Classification. In 2020 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR) (pp. 3404–3411). IEEE.
Khaydarov, V., Heinze, S., Graube, M., Knupfer, A., Knespel, M., Merkelbach, S., & Urbas, L. (2020, September 8–11). From stirring to mixing: artificial intelligence in the process industry. In 2020 25th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA) (pp. 967–974). IEEE.
Preliminary Work
B. Beisheim, K. Rahimi-Adli, S. Krämer, S. Engell, Energy performance analysis of continuous processes using surrogate models. Energy 183, 776-787, 2019.
R. Heese, M. Walczak, T. Seidel, N. Asprion, M. Bortz, Optimized data exploration applied to the simulation of a chemical process,Comp Chem Eng. 124, 326-342, 2019
N. Asprion, R. Böttcher, R. Pack, M.-E. Stavrou, J. Höller, J. Schwientek, M. Bortz; Gray-Box Modeling for the Optimization of Chemical Processes; Chem. Ing. Tech. 2018
F. Stenger, L. Urbas, L. Woppawa: 100% Digital in der Prozessindustrie: Smart Equipment wird ein essentieller Building Block in einer digitalisierten Prozesslandschaft. CITPlus 10/2018.
L. Schegner, L. Urbas, M. Krauss, J. Birk: Autonomie und Assistenz in der Prozessindustrie. Tagungsband Automation 2018, pp.
N. Kockmann, L. Bittorf, W. Krieger, F. Reichmann, M. Schmalenberg, S. Soboll, Smart Equipment – A Perspective Paper, Chem. Ing. Technik, 90 (11), 1806-1822, 2018
N. Kockmann, P. Thenée, C. Fleischer, G. Laudadio, T. Noel, Safety Assessment in Development and Operation of Modular Continuous-Flow Processes, Reaction Chemistry & Engineering, 2, 258-280, 2017
M. Bortz, J. Burger, N. Asprion, S. Blagov, R. Böttcher, U. Nowak, A. Scheithauer, R. Welke, K.-H. Küfer, H. Hasse; Multi-criteria optimization in chemical process design and decision support by navigation on Pareto sets; Comp. Chem. Eng. 60 (2014) 354
[2023] [2022] [2021] [2020]