The third project meeting took place as a virtual web conference on 26.04.2021. In addition to presentations, which included outstanding results from the subprojects, a poster session with in total 31 posters was organized.
After a welcoming by Leon Urbas from TU Dresden, the results from the subprojects were presented. In the field of substance properties, a prototypical realization of recommender systems was demonstrated. The use of the new technology will be investigated together with industrial partners in the future. Afterwards, Michael Bortz from Fraunhofer ITWM showed the second software prototype, which is developed in cooperation with partners from industry for the realization of interactive what-if scenarios. The prototype is equipped with interfaces to process simulators, an interactive graphical user interface allowing the input of measurement data. In the field of feature extraction from process data, progress was reported on the detector that recognizes different operating states on an extraction column. In a further use case, the results of a screening of different techniques for unsupervised change-point analysis were presented. Gerardo Brand Rihm of the TU Berlin showed the results of his research which includes the training of dynamic data-driven models to optimize the operating trajectories of a plant.
During the poster session in the tool wonder, a lively exchange on the topics of the posters took place. Most of the posters were done by KEEN PhD students containing the recent results of the use cases in which they are involved. The poster session promoted the exchange and networking among the project participants of the different subprojects.
The concluding statements were made by Leon Urbas, Hanna Kolkmann from the German Aerospace Center (DLR Projektträger) and Tom Kraus from the Institute for Innovation and Technology (iit) in the VDI/VDE Innovation und Technik GmbH, who were consistently positive about the project results in KEEN.